Sunday, December 3, 2006

dear Kat

Since you can fly free you should go to Ireland w/ an empty suitcase and return rich!

Or just go to Dublin GA and fake it!

does tsa know this?

Two Irishmen have set up a company selling dirt to Americans. Alan Jenkins, 65, from Lisburn and agricultural scientist Pat Burke, 27, from Tipperary, say the demand for the "official Irish dirt" has been "phenomenal." The pair have just sold their first $1m shipment of muck to the US. Mr Burke has used his scientific background to patent a way of processing the soil to pass US import regulations, meaning it is disease-free and contains no Irish insects. An elderly New York businessman has already placed a $100,000 order so he can be fully buried in Irish soil. The 0.75lb bags of soil sell for $15 each, reports the BBC. - Ananova (10-30-06)

maybe Delta should us this idea to increase income.